What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Line Worker - Bluefield, WV
Tachycardia, Hypertension, Neuropathy
“A Line Worker for a telecommunications company in West Virginia was diagnosed with a host of medical conditions, including tachycardia, hypertension, and neuropathy which resulted in an inability to perform work in any competitive setting. Although the insurance company properly paid benefits for nearly 24 months, it denied benefits and claimed the man could perform the extremely heavy duties of his job as a line-worker despite his cardiovascular conditions and neuropathy. The insurer also gave no weight to the fact that the Social Security Administration found claimant completely and totally disabled.
The man hired Fields Disability to file his case in federal court. Our attorneys argued that even if the man wasn’t totally disabled, the most insignificant physical limitation from his conditions would rule out his ability to work as a line worker. After several months of negotiations where we were able to increase the insurer’s top offer a number of times, we successfully negotiated a settlement with the insurance company that allowed the man to supplement his Social Security Disability income and care for his two young children.”

Director of Employee Services - Hager City, WI
Inflammatory Rheumatoid Arthritis, Restless Leg Syndrome, Low Back Pain, Cervical Radiculopathy
“Our client became totally disabled from his work due to his inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis, restless leg syndrome, low back pain, and cervical radiculopathy. He worked for many years as a Director of Employee Services for his employer. This job required him to travel to worksites in his region weekly for inspections. His physical limitations due to his conditions, especially with respect to standing, made it impossible for him to continue this work.
However, his insurance company denied the worker’s claim for long-term disability benefits, alleging that the worker’s occupation was sedentary in nature. The insurance company also claimed that a statement from the claimant’s physician did not contain physical restrictions severe enough to preclude him from performing the duties of his job.
The disabled employee made the decision to hire Fields Disability to help him fight the insurance company’s wrongful denial of benefits. The Fields Disability team showed that the insurance company failed to properly evaluate our client’s claim, and that by doing so, the insurance company breached its fiduciary duty to our client.
First, they had wholly misstated the physician’s statement, ignoring important limitations and restrictions imposed on our client by his doctor. In addition, they misclassified the disabled worker’s occupation as a sedentary position, when in fact, the position was not sedentary in nature at all. Our attorneys provided evidence that his client’s job was actually performed at a light duty, or even medium duty exertional level. Our team filed a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of our client and were able to settle the case for a lump sum without having to go to court.”

Technician - Plainwell, MI
Neurocardiogenic Syncope, Autonomic Nervous System Reflex Disorder
“Our team represented a worker who was unable to continue his job due to neurocardiogenic syncope, an autonomic nervous system reflex disorder that causes the individual’s heart rate and blood pressure to drop, leading to fainting episodes. In discontinuing the worker’s benefits, the insurance company relied on the opinions of two doctors who had never even seen the man, but felt that he could perform sedentary work based on their review of his medical records. Additionally, the insurance company stated that the man’s restrictions, as provided by his treating doctor, were preventative in nature and not indicative of his ability/inability to perform gainful work.
The Fields Disability team presented a strong appeal to the insurance company, in which they argued that it had not applied the correct standard of disability when it found that our client was not disabled. We argued that the fact that our client’s restrictions were in place to prevent him from fainting and sustaining further injury did not preclude payment of benefits under his policy. The Fields Disability team also gathered updated medical records for the client and illustrated that his condition had not improved since he was initially awarded benefits. Based on these efforts, the insurance company agreed to reinstate the man’s benefits.”

Housekeeping Staff Manager - Manchester, SC
Chronic Back Pain, Degeneration of Lumbar Discs
“A woman who worked as a housekeeper became entirely unable to work due to chronic back pain and degeneration of her lumbar discs. Aetna paid the woman her long-term disability benefits for 24 months because she could not perform her job as a housekeeper. After 24 months, Aetna ceased her benefits, stating that in order to continue to receive benefits, she needed to be disabled from any occupation. She came to Fields Disability distraught, knowing that she could not work at all anymore due to her pain, but that Aetna was stopping her benefits.
Our attorneys could see that Aetna had failed to properly evaluate our client’s claim. Aetna relied excessively on certain evidence, while ignoring evidence that was supportive of her disability. We drafted an appeal that exposed Aetna’s mistakes. We also reached out to her doctors to obtain reports supporting her disability, which were vital to her case. These reports allowed us to prove that our client was unable to work in any occupation. In the end, we were successful in reversing Aetna’s denial of benefits and our client was awarded ongoing benefits.”

Customer Service Representative - Belton, TX
Congestive Heart Failure, Memory Problems
“A Texas customer service representative began feeling short of breath. His doctor diagnosed him with congestive heart failure, and recommended limiting his activity. He stopped working due to his disability. The insurance company initially approved him for long-term disability benefits, but after nearly two years, they sent a letter saying that he no longer fit their definition of “disabled.”
Frustrated at the decision from his insurer, he contacted Fields Disability to determine his next steps. The attorneys at Fields Disability contacted our client’s doctors and compiled a strong summary of treatment and symptoms. The appeal was unsuccessful but our attorneys filed a lawsuit in federal court to fight for our client’s benefits. During preparation for trial, Fields Disability attorneys were able to negotiate a generous lump-sum settlement for our client’s remaining benefits.”