
What sets us apart:

Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about us

Insurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies

Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Registered Nurse - Smiths Station, AL

Failed Lumbar Syndrome

“As a registered nurse with a large hospital, our client relished a career of helping others get better. Unfortunately, she began developing severe pain in her low back that extended into both of her legs. After several treatments with the doctors and an MRI scan, it was discovered that she needed fusion surgery in her low back.

Doctors performed the surgery, which eliminated the pain for a period of time but, unfortunately, the pain eventually returned. An MRI scan revealed that she needed additional surgery to further repair the discs in her low back. Despite a second surgery the pain persisted and her doctors eventually diagnosed her with “failed lumbar syndrome”, which happens to a small percentage of patients who undergo lumbar fusion surgery.

Our client applied for and received disability for several years as she attempted to resolve her low back condition. Prudential issued a denial letter without any warning stating she was no longer disabled, and the much-needed disability checks stopped coming. She tried to work with her doctors to present enough evidence to show that she continued to be disabled, but Prudential would not reverse its decision.

Out of options, she approached Fields Disability, and spoke to our staff about her claim. We took on her case and Attorney Merrick Williams immediately began working with medical providers to obtain the necessary supportive reports, and assembled medical records, and presented an appeal to Prudential. After a complete and thorough review, Prudential reversed its decision and restored the disability payments with back-pay. Our client was emotional and overjoyed upon discovering she would now have the means to pay her bills and take care of her family.”

Warehouse Worker and Forklift Operator - Montgomery, MS

Intractable Migraines

“A Mississippi man who worked in a warehouse and drove a forklift suddenly developed excruciating, intractable migraine headaches. His headaches, at times, became so penetrating he couldn’t see straight nor maintain his balance, and would frequently need to sit down until these terrifying episodes would go away. His doctors ordered MRI scans which did not reveal abnormalities in his brain. Bravely, he continued with his job but, eventually, out of fear of hurting fellow co-workers, not to mention damaging one of the businesses few forklifts, he filed for disability with The Standard who, thankfully, granted disability payments for a period of time. After a medical review and discovering a lack of abnormal findings on MRI or CT scans, The Standard made the decision to discontinue benefits and cease disability payments.

He needed help working with the insurance company and came to Fields Disability. Our attorneys gathered supporting documentation from his medical providers, and built a flawless case to support his claim for long-term disability benefits. Our team of attorneys presented an appeal asserting that The Standard selectively ignored evidence in his records and failed to properly recognize his client’s debilitating migraines, which qualified him as disabled under the policy. The Standard overturned its decision, granting the long-term disability benefits he deserved. He was happy with the result and soon began to receive regular checks in the mail.”

Cardiac Sonographer - Valles Mines, MO

Multiple Sclerosis

“As an experienced cardiac sonographer, our client loved her career and intended to stay with her employer until she retired. Unfortunately, she progressively developed difficulty with cognition, weakness and maintaining balance while walking and standing. Initially, she assumed the symptoms would go way, but when they didn’t, she became more feel fearful for her patients and the doctors for whom she worked. Her doctor eventually diagnosed multiple sclerosis. As the symptoms worsened, she was left with no choice but to file a claim for long-term disability. At first, her insurer granted disability payments, but after a medical review the insurance company reversed its decision and denied benefits.

Frightened at the prospect of having no income to pay her bills, she hired Fields Disability. Fields Disability attorneys reached out to her medical providers for supporting medical records and reports documenting objective signs of multiple sclerosis. When the insurer refused to reverse its decision, our attorneys filed a lawsuit and were able to achieve a more than reasonable settlement offer for our client. Though she would prefer to be in a hospital helping others with heart difficulties, she is happy that she has the financial ability to pay her bills and live her life.”

Elementary School Teacher - Woodbury, MN

Mental Illness, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD

“An elementary school teacher and military veteran began having intense feelings of anxiety and depression. He sought treatment unsuccessfully for a few years, and ultimately had to stop working. He applied for long-term disability benefits through Sun Life so that he could seek adequate treatment without the stress of working. Despite his symptoms intensifying at work, Sun Life wrote a letter denying him benefits and saying that he could return to work full-time.

Frustrated that Sun Life seemed to ignore his symptoms, he contacted Fields Disability for help with an appeal. The attorneys at Fields Disability reviewed the medical records from Sun Life and found that the insurance company ignored a key doctor’s report. Our attorneys called the doctor and had him write a letter supporting the appeal. Sun Life overturned their decision, granting our client ongoing benefits and awarding him a lump-sum payment for back-pay. Our client is relieved to be able to focus totally on treatment and not his fight with the insurance company.”

Health Care Coordinator - Spring Hill, TN

Seizure Disorder, Fibromyalgia, PTSD, Narcolepsy, Post-Concussive Syndrome, TBI, Sleep Apnea, Celiac Disease, IBS

“A 38 year old female worked as a Health Care Coordinator, a job she thoroughly enjoyed as it permitted her to interact with and help people who are in need. Her job was demanding as it required her to constantly be on her feet, interfacing with people with mental health issues. While she wasn’t a trained psychiatrist, her job required her to provide a preliminary diagnosis so that the patient could be directed to the proper doctor for treatment. Analysis and positivity were at the heart of her job as she worked with people that sometimes were in a state of deep depression.

Unfortunately, she began experiencing tremendous dizziness and fatigue which, over time, evolved into full-blown fainting spells. Understandably, this made doing her job nearly impossible and she saw a doctor for help. She was diagnosed with seizure disorder and fibromyalgia and was advised that she should be extraordinarily cautious in performing the duties of her job. She continued with her job for several months, but eventually it became impossible to maintain the stamina the job required and she determined to file for disability.

The disability carrier made payments for a brief period, but then suddenly and without any warning, issued a denial. Fearful that she would be unable to take care of herself and her children, she hired the Fields Disability. Our attorneys collected supportive records and reports from her medical doctors and filed an appeal, which the disability carrier reviewed and reversed its denial. This client was overjoyed that she would now have money to take care of herself as she strives to figure out, with her doctors, how she can get better and return to work.”