What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Distribution Coordinator - Manhattan, KS
Chronic Back Pain, Depression
“A man worked as a Distribution Coordinator for Driscoll’s. He suffered from severe back pain and depression. His condition prevented him from performing his job which required him to be on his feet for many hours per day. His insurer, Cigna initially approved his claim for long-term disability benefits. The claim was later denied by Cigna, asserting that they found he had no activity restrictions that were medically supported and that they had identified occupations he could perform.
Clearly unable to work and unable to fight the insurance company, he reached out to Fields Disability. His attorney at Fields went right to work reviewing insurance company’s file. After completing his review, his attorney developed a plan to fight the denial. He updated medical records and requested reports from the client’s treating doctors. With the updated records and reports, he then drafted a winning appeal. The insurance company reversed their decision and reinstated the client’s monthly benefits and paid all the past-due benefits. The client was so thankful to get his benefits back and relieved that he would no longer have to worry about finding income to support his family.”

Bank Manager - Marion, AR
Severe Asthma, Osteoporosis
“A woman who worked as the manager of a bank became unable to work due to a combination of severe asthma and osteoporosis. Her condition prevented her from doing any type of work, much less her own. She initially received short-term disability benefits but was later denied long-term disability benefits. The insurer claimed that the medical records did not show she was unable to perform her own occupation.
Unsure of what to do, she reached out to Fields Disability. Her attorney at Fields went right to work updating the client’s medical records to submit to the insurance company. With updated medical information, the attorney drafted an appeal which made the case for disability. The insurance company denied the claim on appeal.
The attorney immediately filed a lawsuit in federal court. After negotiation, they were able to settle the claim for a great value to the client which mitigated any risk of losing with litigation. The client was overjoyed with the result.”

Logistics Specialist - Colorado Springs, CO
Multiple Sclerosis, Bulging Discs, Nerve Root Impingement, Chronic Pain
“Our client was a Logistics Specialist from Colorado. She suffered from Multiple Sclerosis; bulging discs with nerve root impingement in her spine; and chronic pain. Originally, she was taken off of work by her medical providers and applied for benefits through her plan with Cigna. Cigna approved the claim and paid benefits for 24 months. However, when the definition of disability changed to “any occupation” under the relevant policy, Cigna discontinued benefits asserting there were occupations she was capable of performing in the national economy.
After attempting to fight this denial on her own without success, our client reached out to Fields Disability for help. Her attorney built an appeal establishing that not only had her conditions not improved, they had actually worsened over the course of time benefits had been paid. Additionally, the appeal established Cigna failed to properly evaluate our client’s ongoing entitlement to benefits; and had selectively cited, misstated, and ignored relevant evidence in the file.
After reviewing our appeal Cigna reversed its decision, paid our client her back pay, and recommenced monthly disability payments.”

Document Processor - Detroit, MI
Cervical Disc Herniation, Fusion Surgery
“A young man who worked as a document processor for a Detroit law firm was hit by a drunk driver. As a result of the accident, he suffered from a disc herniation in his neck, cervical facet syndrome, and a cervical spine sprain. He was in constant pain. He eventually was forced to undergo surgery to fuse his cervical spine at the C4-C5 disc. Due to his condition, he was unable to continue working. His insurer, Principal Life, initially approved him for short-term disability benefits. When he applied for long-term disability benefits, Principal alleged that he was capable of performing his job and denied his benefits.
Unsure of what to do and how to live without an income, he got in touch with Fields Disability. Our attorneys began compiling all of the necessary medical records and reached out to the client’s doctors to obtain narrative reports which detailed his impairments, treatment, and continuing symptoms. Our attorneys then prepared a compelling appeal to submit to the insurer. Upon review, Principal realized that they had made a mistake denying the client’s benefits and they were promptly reinstated. The client was overjoyed to find out that the insurer had reversed their denial and was able to rest easy knowing that he would have income to live off of.”

Software Engineer - Brooklyn, NY
Neuralgia, Depression, Severe Anxiety
“Prudential discontinued the disability benefits of a disabled software engineer. She suffered from neuralgia, depression, and severe anxiety. The insurance company argued that the woman was able to return to her stressful and demanding job, though it cited absolutely no medical evidence in support of its position.
The woman hired Fields Disability to handle her appeal. We gathered updated medical records and reports from the woman’s treating doctors stating she was unable to perform any kind of work. We submitted a brief arguing Prudential’s review was selective and arbitrary due to the lack of medical evidence supporting its decision. Prudential overturned its decision, stating it agreed the woman was completely disabled.”