What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Salesman - Chicago, IL
Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome, Massive Full Thickness Bilateral Rotator Cuff Tears
“Our client was a Salesman from Illinois who suffered massive, full thickness rotator cuff tears to both shoulders, and subsequently developed chronic regional pain syndrome. He attempted to return to work but this proved unsuccessful and his doctors recommended additional surgeries.
He applied for Long-Term disability benefits through his employer’s plan with Sun Life. After over a year of reviewing the claim and asking for additional information Sun Life eventually denied our client’s claim because it could not conclusively determine if our client remained covered under the policy after his failed attempt to return to work and was not convinced his conditions precluded him from performing his Own Occupation. The claim was denied mere weeks before our client went back into the hospital for yet another surgery.
Our client reached out to Fields Disability for help fighting this decision. His attorney built an appeal that conclusively established our client remained covered under the policy at all times relevant to the claim, and that due to his substantial condition it was impossible for him to perform not only his Own Occupation but also any other gainful occupation. After reviewing our appeal Sun Life finally reversed its denial, paid our client his back pay and commenced monthly payments.”

Mechanic - Hollidaysburg, PA
Back Pain, Sciatica
“A man from Pennsylvania who worked as a mechanic suffered from severe back pain and sciatica. The pain prevented him from performing his job as a fleet mechanic for US Foods. Cigna, his long-term disability insurer, denied his claim for long-term disability benefits, asserting that the medical information did not show that he was physically limited.
Clearly unable to work in his condition, he found Fields Disability. His attorney at Fields began reviewing the entire file from the insurance company and the report from the insurance company’s doctor. After completing his review, his attorney knew exactly what needed to be done. He updated medical records and obtained statements from our client’s orthopedist. With the updated records and reports, our attorneys then drafted a winning appeal. The insurance company reversed their decision and reinstated the client’s monthly benefits. The client was so thankful to get his benefits back and relieved that he would no longer have to worry about supporting himself and his family.”

Chief Exectutive Officer - Staunton, VA
Sjogren’s Syndrome, Leucopenia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
“Our client worked chief executive officer of a business in Virginia. She suffered from Sjogren’s Syndrome, Leucopenia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. After her doctors removed her from work she applied for Long Term Disability benefits through her employer’s plan. Unfortunately, the insurance company denied her claim for benefits. Our client appealed this decision on her own but was unable to reverse the insurer’s decision.
Having exhausted her appeals, she reached out to Fields Disability for help filing a lawsuit. Our team filed a lawsuit on our client’s behalf and entered into settlement negotiations with the insurer’s attorney. Our attorneys were able to negotiate a settlement permitting our client to move on from this matter, without having to go to court over her claim.”

Remediation Representative - West Des Moines, IA
Low Back Pain, Torn Meniscus
“Our client worked as a Remediation Representative prior to developing low back pain and tearing his meniscus. He filed a claim for long term disability benefits, as he could no longer work. The insurer denied the claim, stating his low back pain was a pre-existing condition under the policy.
However, the insurer failed to consider the meniscus injury that severely affected the man’s mobility. Fields Disability filed a lawsuit against the insurer for past and future benefits. After several weeks of negotiations, the insurer agreed to settle the case on favorable terms for our client.”

Warehouse Manager - Foristell, MO
Long Term Side Effects and Symptoms from Chemotherapy, Peripheral Neuropathy, Chronic Fatigue, Pulmonary Embolus, Major Neurocognitive Disorder
“Our client was a warehouse manager from Missouri. Unfortunately, he suffered from a long history of lymphoma, requiring significant chemotherapy. Our client battled through his cancer treatments and returned to work when he began to suffer from the long term side effects and symptoms from chemotherapy, including Peripheral Neuropathy, Chronic Fatigue, Pulmonary Embolus, and a major Neurocognitive Disorder. He applied for long-term disability benefits through The Hartford, but The Hartford denied his claim. The Hartford asserted he had appeared to have recovered from his cancer diagnosis, and appeared capable of performing his own occupation without any restrictions.
His next step was to reach out to Fields Disability for help. Our client retained Fields Disability to help him apply for Social Security Disability benefits and fight The Hartford’s denial of long-term disability. Our team was able to successfully gather the evidence necessary to win both his Social Security Disability benefits at the application stage, and convince The Hartford to overturn its denial of long-term disability benefits. We established that all of the independent medical evidence in this case supported our client’s treating doctor and her opinion that our client could not work with his severe fatigue and cognitive side effects.”