What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Occupational Therapist - Cape Coral, FL
Lymphocytic Colitis
“An occupational therapist from Florida was diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis. The disease resulted in urinary and fecal incontinence, diffuse joint pain, and severe fatigue. She was no longer able to perform her job as an occupational therapist. Her long-term disability insurer paid her benefits agreeing she was disabled from her Own Occupation. However, when the definition of disability changed to Any Occupation , Guardian denied the claim asserting that she had the functional capacity perform sedentary work.
The woman decided to hire Fields Disability. Her attorney collected substantial evidence from her medical providers showing she was unable to work in any capacity. Guardian performed a review and agreed the woman continued to be disabled from Any Occupation. The client was thrilled with the outcome and was able to pay off the debts she had amassed while her benefits were cut off.”

Behavioral Health Therapist - El Cajon, CA
Mild TBI, Depression, Anxiety
“A young woman Arizona was involved in two separate motor vehicle accidents. She suffered from a mild traumatic brain injury as a result. The TBI later caused significant mental health issues which prevented her from working and from completing her dissertation.
The long-term disability insurer initially accepted the claim and paid benefits. They later denied her claim for benefits stating that they believed she could work in other occupations which they had identified. The client attempted to appeal the denial on her own and was denied.
Frustrated and unsure about what to do, she found the attorneys at Fields Disability. Her attorney at Fields filed a lawsuit in federal court. After negotiation, they were able to reach a settlement which provided incredible value to the client. It also provided her the satisfaction of knowing that she would never have to deal with the insurer again. The client was very pleased with the settlement.”

Sales Manager - Washington, DC
Bipolar, Depression Anxiety
“A young up-and-coming executive ceased working due to severe anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. His symptoms resulted in an inability to keep up with the extremely demanding mental demands of his job. Prudential reviewed his claim for approximately five months before denying benefits, claiming that he wasn’t continuously disabled during the elimination period in the policy. The man was confused because he had been consistently treating with a therapist and psychiatrist who adamantly stated he should remain out of work.
The man hired Fields Disability to fight Prudential’s wrongful denial. Our attorneys first ordered updated medical records from the man’s therapist and psychiatrist. Then, we requested written comments from the man’s treating providers regarding his conditions.
Our attorneys used that information to secure a favorable vocational report that concluded the man was unable to work at his former job. After Fields Disability submitted the appeal, Prudential reinstated benefits well before the end of the 45 day review period. The man received a substantial backpay check and was able to begin training for a low-stress future career.”

Administrative Assistant - Warrenton, VA
Post-Concussion Syndrome
“An Administrative Manager was forced to leave work when she suffered a traumatic brain injury with post-concussion syndrome. Her symptoms resulted in ophthalmological issues, migraines, depression, and anxiety. She applied to Cigna for long-term disability benefits, which were denied from the outset.
The woman hired Fields Disability to file an appeal with the insurance company. Cigna failed to handle the appeal fairly and denied the woman’s benefits relying on a doctor report that stated the woman could perform her job as an administrative manager if she limited her computer use to 30 minutes at a time with 15-30 minute breaks. Our attorneys hired a vocational consultant to state there was no chance the woman could perform her job if she was limited to such short periods of computer use. On the second appeal, Cigna acknowledged the tremendous error and approved the woman’s benefits. She was grateful to her attorneys for continuing to fight on her behalf, even after the first appeal denial.”

Medical Lab Technician - Washburn, ND
Neuropathy, Diabetes, Leg Pain
“A medical lab technician from Minnesota began experiencing leg pain associated with diabetes. Eventually, she began losing sensation in her legs. Sitting or standing for long periods became extremely painful and she was forced to stop working. Her insurer at work approved her for monthly long-term disability benefits. After a decade of receiving benefits, the insurance company stopped payment saying that she no longer fit their definition of disabled.
Shocked that her benefits had suddenly been cut off, she contacted Fields Disability for help. Our attorneys gathered all of the documents from the insurance company and our client’s doctors to compile strong evidence against the insurer. The insurance company based their denial on one doctor’s report which had multiple mistakes and typos. Our attorneys sent a strong appeal to the insurance company but the insurer did not reverse it’s decision and the Fields Disability attorneys filed a lawsuit to fight for our client. During preparations for trial, our attorneys negotiated a generous lump sum settlement. Our client was pleased with the settlement check and happy with the professional advocacy Fields Disability provided.”