What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Tax Director - Orange, CT
Type 1 Diabetes, Charcot Foot Deformity, Neuropathy, Neurological Deficits from Stroke
“A tax director for a national accounting firm became disabled when his type 1 diabetes resulted in complications to his lower extremities, including a diabetic foot ulcer. The man could not walk for more than a few minutes a day. If he over-exerted himself, he could develop further complications requiring amputation of his foot. He applied for disability benefits and retired to focus on stabilizing his medical conditions.
The man was paid for approximately two years before Cigna denied his benefits, stating he was able to perform his own sedentary occupation as an accountant. As a tax director, he was shocked. Far from sitting in an office working on tax returns, his job required him to meet with clients at their businesses and attend local business events.
Out of options, he hired Fields Disability to pursue his claim. The Fields attorneys assembled a number of medical narrative reports outlining our client’s symptoms in his upper and lower extremities. Additionally, the attorneys had a vocational professional review our client’s job duties and write a report arguing Cigna failed to consider the material duties of our client’s occupation when it myopically labeled him as an accountant. Just a few weeks after the appeal was submitted, Cigna reinstated the claim and paid our client all of the outstanding back pay.”

Department Store Manager - Whiteville, TN
Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease
“A 62 year old manager at a retail store became disabled after developing degenerative disc disease in the lumbar region in her spine. Her capacity for lifting, staying on her feet, and even doing routine paperwork was significantly impaired. She applied for disability benefits through Prudential, and received benefits for about two years. However, Prudential decided the woman’s conditions were not severe enough to rule out working at a sitting or sedentary-type job. The woman was shocked because she couldn’t even sit for a half hour without severe back pain.
The woman hired Fields Disability to file an appeal on her behalf. We collected medical records and narrative reports to show a complete and holistic view of the claimant’s conditions, restrictions, and limitations. After a brief review, Prudential reversed its decision to deny benefits and started paying the woman’s claim. She was very pleased with the final result and vowed that Fields Disability would be the first call if Prudential ever tried to take her benefits away again.”

Payroll Supervisor - Neptune City, NJ
Renal Failure, Atrial Fibrillation, Diabetes, Hypertension, Depression
“A woman from New Jersey had a great job as a payroll supervisor at a company in New Jersey until she developed renal failure, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, hypertension, and depression. Her condition required a hospital stay during which she developed respiratory failure and had to be kept alive by a ventilator. In addition, she required dialysis. Her condition later recovered and she was transferred to a rehab facility. Clearly, she could no longer work. Reliance Standard, her long-term disability insurer initially accepted her claim and paid benefits. The insurer later denied her claim stating that she had recovered enough to perform the duties of any occupation.
Not knowing how to fight the insurance company, she reached out to Fields Disability. Her attorney at Fields Disability began updating the client’s medical records to provide the full scope of the client’s condition. Once the records were compiled, he drafted a winning appeal which led the insurance company to overturn their denial and reinstate her benefits. The client felt a huge sense of relief knowing that she had gotten her benefits back.”

Blowmold Operator - Little Rock, AR
Stroke with Neurological Deficits
“A blowmold operator became disabled after suffering a stroke. The man had several residual effects, including unsteadiness on his feet and optic nerve neuritis. His symptoms kept him from safely working with blowmold machinery, and his doctors took him out of work.
Mutual of Omaha paid the man short term disability benefits without any issues. Unfortunately, when the time came for Mutual of Omaha to pay the man long-term disability benefits, he was denied. Omaha stated the man could return to work and did not have any limitations.
The man hired Fields to fight Omaha’s wrongful denial. His Fields Disability attorney secured narrative reports from the treating doctors. One report forcefully stated the man’s visual deficits would completely limit his ability to perform the blowmold operator job. The reports were submitted to Omaha along with legal and factual arguments. After a brief review, Omaha notified the man’s attorneys that it would be reinstating benefits. The man received a substantial backpay check and was able to get caught up on all of his bills.”

Technical Services Assistant - Walker, LA
Low Back Pain
“A Technical Service Assistant was unable to work due to severe back pain that impaired her ability to sit and stand comfortably at work. She submitted a claim for short-term disability to Sedgwick, who paid benefits for just two weeks before denying her. In the denial letter, Sedgwick stated the woman’s medical records failed to show she was disabled. For months prior to leaving work, the woman had tried everything from a standing desk to pain medications to continue working. She knew in her current condition returning to work simply was not possible.
She hired Fields Disability to file an appeal of Sedgwick’s decision. Our attorneys gathered medical evidence and disability paperwork from the woman’s two treating doctors stating that she was unable to perform her work as a technical services assistant. Our attorneys submitted that information along with a legal memorandum arguing the woman could not return to work due to her conditions. After a brief review, Sedgwick overturned its decision and reinstated benefits. The woman was able to use the short-term disability back payment to continue treatment with her doctors and eventually resume work with her employer.”