What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Field Service Technician - Fort Pierce, FL
Severe Bilateral Claudication of the Legs, Bilateral Non-Diabetic Neuropathy
“A Field Service Technician from Florida began developing severe bilateral claudication and bilateral non-diabetic neuropathy in his legs. No longer able to work all day on his feet, he was forced to leave work as a result. He applied for both short and long-term disability benefits from his insurance carrier. Unfortunately, the insurance company denied his claim. In their denial letter, they repeatedly cited the opinion of a doctor who the man had only seen once.
He knew he needed help appealing the insurer’s decision and retained Fields Disability. The Fields attorneys quickly outlined the weaknesses in the insurer’s denial letter and began crafting pointed arguments to counter their assertions. The Fields team also secured a supportive narrative and functional capacity evaluation from our client’s treating physicians. Fields Disability then submitted the appeal well before the insurer’s deadline. After sending it to their internal review department, the insurance company soon overturned their prior decision and approved both short and long-term benefits. Our client soon got two checks for his back-benefits, and the insurer began paying out future long-term benefits.”

Registered Nurse - Arroyo Grande, CA
Chronic Back Pain
“A registered nurse from California suffered from chronic and severe back pain. This condition prevented her from being able perform any work, as she could not stand or walk without severe pain. Liberty Mutual, her long-term disability insurer, denied her claim asserting that the medical information on file showed that she was capable of performing her own occupation.
Unable to work and scared about what to do, she reached out to Fields Disability. Her attorney at Fields knew exactly what to do. After completing his review of the insurance company’s file, her attorney developed a winning strategy for her appeal. He updated medical records which showed the chronic pain the client was experiencing. With the updated records, he then drafted an appeal which laid out the argument that her back condition was so serious that there was no way she could work. He also argued against the reasoning from the insurance company for their denial and highlighted the inconsistencies and failures in their review. The insurance company reversed their decision and reinstated the client’s monthly benefits. The client was elated to get her benefits back.”

Senior Pricing Analyst - Mesa, AZ
“A young woman from Arizona suffered a stroke which left her mildly paralyzed on her let side. As a result, she was unable to perform her job as an analyst for Honeywell. Cigna, her long-term disability insurer, initially accepted her claim and paid benefits for two years. The definition of disabled under her policy later changed and Cigna denied her benefits claiming that she did not meet the new definition of disability.
Clearly unable to work and unsure of what to do, she reached out to Fields Disability. Her attorney at Fields started by reviewing the entire file from the insurance company and creating a plan for the appeal. After completing his review, he updated medical records and obtained statements from multiple doctors that the client had treated with. With the updated records and reports, he drafted an appeal which outlined how her condition prevented her from working. The insurance company reversed its decision and reinstated the client’s monthly benefits. The client was elated to hear that she would be getting her benefits back.”

Store Manager - Butte, MT
Cushing’s Disease, Asthma
“Our client worked for a number of years as a store manager for a large national retailer. She developed severe respiratory difficulties and Cushing’s disease, and filed a claim for long term disability benefits. She received benefits for approximately one year, when Liberty suddenly told our client her condition had improved enough to allow her to return to work at a number of desk jobs.
The woman submitted an appeal, but during the review process she became increasingly skeptical that Liberty wasn’t handling the claim fairly. She found Fields Disability after searching for help online. Our attorneys collaborated with the woman to quickly collect medical records and narrative reports. After reviewing the medical records, our attorneys referred the woman to a functional capacity evaluation. Just a few weeks after the woman hired Fields Disability, our attorneys submitted the medical records, report, and evaluation to the insurance company along with a memorandum outlining our client’s legal rights under the statute governing the policy. After a brief review, Liberty reversed its decision to deny benefits and started paying our client’s claim.”

Quality Control Supervisor - Milan, IN
Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar II
“Our client worked as a quality control manager for many years prior to becoming disabled due to severe anxiety, depression and bipolar symptoms. After several months of mental health treatment, his doctors recommended he leave work to focus on treatment. His long-term disability insurance company fought his claim from the very beginning, claiming that the man was able to perform his job.
The man hired Fields Disability to sue the insurance company. The insurance company initially tried to settle the case against the man for a very small amount of money. After several rounds of negotiation, the insurance agreed to pay the man a large portion of the benefits he was owed throughout the life of his claim. Our client was very happy with the representation he received and glad he chose Fields Disability.”