What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Aircraft Mechanic - Afton, WY
Back Pain, Depression
“Our client had worked as an aircraft mechanic with a major aircraft company for over 31 years. He began to develop low back pain that led to the development of major depressive disorder. He left work and applied for benefits from his long-term disability insurer, Cigna. Cigna denied his claim from the outset, stating that his medical treatment failed to demonstrate his conditions were severe enough to preclude working at his physically demanding and highly skilled job.
He hired Fields Disability to file an appeal against Cigna. On appeal, our attorneys submitted medical records from all of the client’s treating providers, a narrative report from his orthopedic specialist, and a functional capacity evaluation that showed he was unable to perform his heavy-duty job on a physical basis. After review of the appeal, Cigna agreed our client was disabled and reinstated his disability benefits.”

Service Account Manager - Goodview, VA
Failed Back Syndrome, Degenerative Disc Disease, Enthesopathy, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lumbar Radiculitis, Migraines, PTSD, Major Depression, Major Anxiety, Morbid Obesity
“Our client was a 47-year old woman who worked as a Service Account Manager before going out of work due to Failed Back Syndrome, Degenerative Disc Disease, Enthesopathy, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lumbar Radiculitis, Migraines, PTSD, Major Depression, Major Anxiety, and Morbid Obesity. The employer provided a long-term disability policy, which our client had elected to receive coverage under. When she became eligible for long-term disability benefits from the policy’s carrier, our client applied for coverage and benefits. She was initially approved for benefits and received monthly benefits for a little over two years.
However, The Standard terminated our client’s long-term disability benefits, indicating no benefits were payable because the insurer concluded our client did not meet the definition of “Disabled”. The Standard felt our client could work any sedentary occupation based on her education and previous employment. The Standard based the decision to terminate benefits based on a “Physician Consultant’s” review of the medical records on file, which did not include even half of our client’s records.
Upset with the arbitrary decision from The Standard to terminate benefits, she contacted Fields Disability Law Firm to submit an appeal. The attorneys at Fields Disability were able to pull together all of our client’s medical records, generate physician reports, obtain a vocational report, and submit a comprehensive appeal for our client. In less than 30 days, The Standard issued a new decision and overturned its prior denial of long-term disability benefits due to the appeal the attorneys had submitted. The Standard reinstated benefits and issued a backpay check for the months that it failed to pay our client.”

Crane Operator - Suffolk, VA
Severe Neuropathy, Unsteadiness, Dizziness
“A crane operator from Virginia began experiencing numbness in his hands and feet. His job required climbing 140-250 foot ladders to do crane maintenance. Eventually his condition became too severe and he was forced to stop work. Cigna initially approved his claim for long term disability benefits. He received benefits for about two years until suddenly Cigna said he no longer fit their definition of “disabled.”
Worried about his lost income, the crane operator contacted Fields Disability for assistance with an appeal. The attorneys at Fields Disability contacted all three of his treating physicians to obtain detailed reports of our client’s condition. They reviewed the claim file from Cigna and found that the insurer did not consider all of our client’s symptoms. Our attorneys sent a strong appeal to Cigna that was ultimately approved. Our client received a lump-sum payment for back-pay and was awarded continuing long-term disability benefits. He was overjoyed with the decision, and relieved that he no longer had to fight the insurance company.”

Journey Lineman - Roby, TX
“Our client was a 10-year journey lineman for a Texas telephone company. As part of his job, he climbed poles and worked close to dangerous electrical wires. Sadly, one day he witnessed a fellow employee die from electrocution, which resulted in his developing post-traumatic stress disorder. Initially, his disability carrier awarded him short-term disability, but then denied his application for long-term claiming lack of medical proof of disability.
He hired FieldsDisability, who recommended he undergo a neuropsychological evaluation. The evaluation unequivocally showed he suffered from a debilitating case of PTSD and could not work. The attorneys at Fields Disability filed an appeal which resulted in a reversal of the disability carrier’s denial. Our client hopes to return to work soon, after undergoing much needed therapy, but is grateful for the disability payments to help him through this very difficult time.”

Senior Application Developer - Columbia, TN
Lupus, Fibromyalgia, GERD, Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, Migraines, IBS, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
“A 49-year-old woman who worked in IT for most of her career became disabled and unable to perform her job due to a variety of medical conditions including lupus, fibromyalgia, GERD, anxiety, depression chronic pain, migraine headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
When she ceased work, she assumed she would have no problem applying and being approved for disability benefits through MetLife because, as she understood it, MetLife was supposed to pay disability benefits in the event she became unable to work. What the woman did not realize is the MetLife had the power to decide whether or not they thought she was capable of working. In her case, MetLife completely ignored woman’s doctors, who stated she was not capable of working.
The woman did not know what to do next. She knew she could not work, but did not know how to prove it to MetLife. She turned to Fields Disability for help. Our attorneys worked with our client’s doctors to explain the woman’s functional limitations to MetLife.
After two appeals, MetLife admitted they had made a mistake in denying her claim for benefits. MetLife issued a check for past due benefits and began paying her monthly benefits.”