What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Doctor - Stockton, CA
Mitochondrial Myopathy, Nephropathy, Fatigue, Depression, Insomnia
“A doctor from Stockton, California began experiencing intense bouts of fatigue, depression, and insomnia after an extended trip out of the country to visit family. His symptoms did not improve and he was diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy and forced to stop working. He applied for long-term disability benefits through his insurance company at work but was denied because the insurer said he was not working as a full time employee at the time of his disability.
Worried about his lost income and still unable to return to work, he called Fields Disability for help. Our team obtained the full claim file from the insurance company and our attorneys scoured the record for places where the insurance company made legal or factual errors. Our attorneys found that the insurer misinterpreted the policy as it applied to our client’s employment. Fields attorneys drafted a strong appeal to the insurer based on strong legal research. The insurance company changed their mind and overturned the decision and our client received a lump-sum check for back pay and ongoing monthly benefits. He was pleased with the diligent advocacy from Fields Disability and is overjoyed to be done fighting his insurance company.”

Real Estate Sales Comparable Analyst - Independence, MO
Dizziness, Coronary Vascular Disease, Frozen Shoulder, Bilateral Shoulder Osteoarthritis, Joint Pain, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Major Anxiety, Major Depressive Disorder
“A 45-year-old woman from Missouri formerly worked as a Real Estate Sales Comparable Analyst for several years before she stopped working due to her constant dizziness, joint pain, major anxiety, and major depressive disorder. After the expiration of her short-term benefits, she became eligible for long-term disability benefits from her policy’s carrier, Sun Life. She was initially approved for long-term disability benefits by Sun Life; however, Sun Life terminated her long-term benefits, indicating no benefits were payable because she did not meet the Definition of Disability. Sun Life specifically denied her long-term benefits, because there was a lack of medical evidence to support her inability to perform the material and substantial duties of her Own Occupation as a Real Estate Sales Comparable Analyst.
After receiving the letter from Sun Life terminating her benefits, she contacted the attorneys at Fields Disability to assist her in her appeal. The attorneys at Fields Disability contacted our client’s doctors to compile reports of all of her symptoms and treatments and submitted a comprehensive appeal to Sun Life. After receiving Fields Disability’s appeal, Sun Life overturned their previous decision and paid all the outstanding long-term disability benefits immediately. The client was elated by making the decision to hire Fields Disability.”

Machine Operator - Phelps, NY
Lumbar Pain, Cervical Radiculopathy, Bilateral Carpal Tunnel with Neuropathy
“A machine operator quit his job due to extensive nerve pain along his spine. His symptoms resulted in a complete inability to keep up with the heavy physical demands of his job. Aetna paid benefits intermittently for the first six months, stating they needed extra medical records and doctors’ notes. Finally, Aetna denied benefits stating the medical evidence in the file was insufficient to show ongoing disability.
The man hired Fields to appeal Aetna’s denial. Fields gathered medical evidence from our client’s doctors and requested detailed reports refuting the findings of Aetna’s doctors. Those reports were submitted along with legal and factual arguments regarding Aetna’s selective review of the evidence in the denial letter. Aetna quickly reversed its decision and reinstated benefits. With his financial security reestablished, the man was able to focus on treating for his conditions and pursue his social security disability case.”

Retail Inventory - Joliet, IL
Torn Wrist Ligament
“A warehouse worker from Illinois began having wrist pain. His job required lifting boxes and merchandise in a retail warehouse. He regularly lifted up to 50 pounds at work. Eventually, the pain in his wrist became too much and he was forced to stop work. He applied for long-term disability benefits through Aetna and was denied. The insurance company said he could return to work, despite the torn ligaments in his wrist.
Shocked that he was denied, he contacted Fields Disability for help with an appeal. Our attorneys obtained all of the documentation from Aetna and our client’s treating physicians. They scoured the documentation and found that Aetna dismissed key medical records and never ordered an independent medical review for our client. Fields attorneys submitted a strong appeal and ultimately Aetna overturned the denial and reinstated benefits and our client received a lump-sum check for back pay and is excited to be able to cover his medical bills while he returns to work.”

Jewel Scan Coordinator - Crest Hill, IL
Low Back, Hip Pain, Shoulder Pain, Fibromyalgia
“Prior to her disabilities of low back, hip and shoulder pain, and fibromyalgia, our client worked as a Jewel Scan Coordinator, which was a job she thoroughly enjoyed. She was approved for, and received, short-term disability benefits through the maximum period of time allowed. She then applied for long-term disability benefits due to her continuing disabling conditions. However, by the means of an impersonal letter, The Standard denied her claim for long-term disability benefits alleging that her medical documentation did not contain limitations and restrictions of such a severity to prevent her from performing the material duties of a Jewel Scan Coordinator.
Justifiably upset with this determination, she contacted Fields Disability to assist her in appealing this unfavorable decision. The Fields team was able to coordinate and compile all her medical records, written comments, documents, and other records that supported her disability claim., The Fields attorneys submitted her appeal demanding that The Standard fulfill its fiduciary duty and perform a full and fair review as mandated under federal law, which should lead The Standard to commencing payment of benefits, given the ample evidence Fields Law Firm was able to submit that showed she was disabled as defined under the long-term disability policy. After a very brief review, The Standard agreed and reversed its previous denial and commenced payment of her benefits immediately.