What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Registered Nurse - Fremont, OH
Adhesive Capsulitis, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Peripheral Neuropathy, Herniated Disc
“A registered nurse was forced out of work due to severe shoulder pain. At the time, she received 24 months of long-term disability benefits under the own occupation standard set out in her plan. During this time, she underwent a lengthy period of physical therapy and multiple surgeries to help remedy the pain she was experiencing without any success. Despite this, her insurance company terminated her benefits under the Any Occupation standard.
Anxious about lost income and her inability to work, she reached out to Fields Disability for help. Our team quickly ordered her claim documents and got her set up with an attorney to take her through the appeal process. Our attorneys presented a substantial amount of evidence from the client’s doctors that proved she could not obtain any gainful employment. Our client got approved for Social Security Disability, but was very frustrated when her long-term disability insurance company could not acknowledge her disability after exhausting all appeals. The Fields Attorneys did not give up on the client and filed a lawsuit on her behalf in federal court. Our attorneys negotiated a favorable settlement for the client through hard-fought negotiations. Our client was pleased with the results and was grateful for the diligence of the attorneys and staff and Fields Disability.”

Masters Level Counselor - East Windsor, CT
Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Exhaustion, Chronic Diarrhea, Chronic Nausea, Chronic Stomach Pain, Cognitive Difficulties, Anemia
“A woman from Connecticut had worked as a Masters Level Counselor for many years before succumbing to the symptoms of Chron’s Disease and leaving work. She suffered from chronic exhaustion, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, cognitive difficulties and anemia. She was insured for long-term disability and was approved for benefits upon her disablement. She remained on clam for three years until the insurer abruptly terminated her benefits, asserting that she could return to work in a different occupation.
They based their decision on some internal medical reviews which claimed she had lighter restrictions than what were provided by her own doctors. She knew she needed help appealing the denial decision and signed on with Fields Disability. Our attorneys quickly moved to gather updated medical records from all her doctors and secured supportive letter from her primary treating physician. The attorneys at Fields also orchestrated a vocational expert to compile a report concerning our client’s workability, which came back fully supportive. The Fields team then submitted the appeal of the insurer’s denial. Faced with mounting evidence supporting our client’s disablement, the insurer had no choice but to quickly overturn their prior decision, pay to date back benefits and reinstate future benefits.”

Program Coordinator - Fairmont, WV
Small Cell Fiber Peripheral Neuropathy, Double Vision, Brain Fog, Insomnia, Chronic Pain, Mobility Difficulties and Imbalance Issues
“A woman from West Virginia had worked as a Program Coordinator for a crime center. Unfortunately, she developed a progressive and complex case of Small Cell Fiber Peripheral Neuropathy in all four of her extremities. Eventually she was forced to leave work due to her symptoms which included perpetual Brain Fog, Double Vision, Insomnia, Severe Mobility Issues and Chronic Pain. She applied for long-term disability benefits and was approved. She remained on benefits for five months until the insurer cut them off with a denial letter.
The insurer based their decision on a letter they had sent to one of her physicians, asking if she could return to work. He had said she could. The woman signed up with Fields Disability to pursue her case against the insurance company. Our attorneys quickly determined that the doctor in question was not her primary treating doctor, but a specialist who didn’t have an accurate picture of the full spectrum of her conditions. Furthermore, our lawyers discovered that the insurer then had sent a wholly different letter to her primary physician attempting to get him to agree with the first doctor’s opinion.
Our attorneys quickly wrote to her doctors to straighten things out and confirm their opinions that our client was unable to work. Our team also gathered all of the recent medical records to support the appeal our attorneys were drafting. Fields Disability soon submitted a lengthy appeal to the insurer, supported by numerous exhibits. The insurer considered the appeal and soon overturned their prior denial decision. They then paid out back benefits and reinstated future benefits going forward.”

Chef - Cedar City, UT
Spinal Degenerative Arthritis, Bilateral Arthritis of the Feet, Bilateral Shoulder Impingements, PTSD, Chronic Alcoholism
“The head chef at a regional hospital in Utah developed extensive arthritis in his spine, hands and shoulders. He also suffered from several mental health conditions, including chronic alcoholism. His conditions eventually became disabling and applied for long term disability benefits from his policy’s carrier. He was initially approved for long-term benefits, which ran for a full year. However, the insurer then sent him a letter stating they were terminating his long-term benefits, claiming he was capable of returning to work in alternate occupations.
Not knowing where to turn, the man retained Fields Disability. Our team of attorneys ordered updated medical records from his providers and wrote to his doctors to ask for their support. The Fields team put together an appeal of the insurer’s denial decision and submitted it along with exhibits. The insurer spent several weeks considering the appeal before returning a decision on the case. They issued a letter stating they were overturning their prior denial decision, paid all the back benefits to date and reinstated all benefits going forward.”

Underwriter - Buckeye, AZ
Chronic and Intractable Foot Pain
“A young woman from Arizona had worked as a Project Team Specialist for Best Buy when she underwent surgery for multiple growths in the sole of her foot. Her foot later became infected after the surgery. Due to the infection, she began to suffer chronic and severe pain in the foot. Eventually, the pain grew so great that she could not function and required the use of heavy opiates for pain management. The long-term disability insurer initially accepted the claim and paid benefits. After paying benefits for a number of years, the insurer denied her claim for benefits stating that they believed she could work in other occupations which they had identified.
Not knowing what she was supposed to do, she found the attorneys at Fields Disability. Her attorney at Fields went right to work. He provided the insurer with all of the necessary medical records and reports from doctors supporting her disability. He also highlighted the faults with the insurer’s review of the claim. The insurer denied the appeal. Her attorney responded by immediately filing a lawsuit in federal court. Her attorney fought hard for her case. After negotiation, they were able to reach a settlement which provide incredible value to the client while mitigating any risk of the client ending up with nothing. The client was very pleased with the settlement and never having to deal with the insurer again.”