What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Administrative Assistant - Vineland, NJ
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Vertigo, Neuropathy, Depression, Anxiety
“Our client suffered from a combination of conditions which included rheumatoid arthritis, vertigo, neuropathy, depression, and anxiety. Despite all of her best efforts, she was unable to work. Her long-term disability insurer denied the claim, alleging that she could perform her own job. Our client appealed on her own twice and was denied both times.
In need of help to fight the insurance company, she reached out to the attorneys at Fields Disability for help. Despite being unable to add any additional evidence to the file or prepare an appeal, her attorney worked hard reviewing the entire file from the insurer. After getting up to speed on the case, he filed a lawsuit in federal court. Once the lawsuit had been filed, he utilized his knowledge of the file and the relevant law and negotiated a settlement which put money in the client’s pocket.”

Warehouse Worker - North Bergen, NJ
Anxiety, Depression
“A warehouse worker became disabled when he developed severe anxiety and depression. After several months of mental health treatment, his doctors recommended he leave work to focus on treatment. Initially, the insurance company agreed that the man was unable to perform his job. After a few months, the insurer denied the appeal based on insufficient evidence of disability.
The man hired Fields Disability to sue the insurance company. The insurance company initially tried to settle the case for a very small amount of money. At the advice of his attorney, our client declined their take it or leave it offer. After several months, the insurance company came back with multiple higher offers. Finally, the Fields attorney negotiated a settlement with the insurer that reflected the true value of the case. Our client was happy he listened to his attorneys advice and settled the case for much more than the original amount offered.”

Customer Assistance Representative - Idaho Falls, ID
Planter Fibroma, Herniated Discs, Arthritis, PTSD
“A Customer Assistance Representative from Idaho Falls, Idaho suffered from arthritis and back pain and then was in a serious car accident. Her condition had been manageable, but the accident made returning to work impossible because she could not stay in any one position for long enough to return to her desk job. She applied for long-term disability benefits through her employee insurance plan and received benefits for a few months but stopped paying because she allegedly no longer fit their definition of disability.
Angry at the insurer, and worried for her lost income, she called Fields Disability for help. Our team obtained the claim file from the insurance company and gathered updated medical records and expert reports. Fields attorneys sent a strong appeal to the insurance company, but the decision remained unchanged. During preparation for a lawsuit, our attorneys negotiated a generous lump-sum settlement. Our client was overjoyed with the settlement check and is happy to be done fighting her insurance company.”

Truck Driver - Middletown, OH
Severe Back Pain
“Our client from Ohio was injured in a work accident that left him with severe back pain. The pain was so severe that it prevented him from performing his job as a driver, or any other job for that matter. He was initially approved for long-term disability benefits. Later, his long-term insurer reviewed his file and alleged that they had identified occupations which he could perform and was therefore no longer entitled to disability benefits.
Despite the insurance company’s claims, there was no way he would be able to continue working. He reached out to the attorneys at Fields Disability for help. His attorney at Fields obtained additional evidence and drafted a strong appeal which argued the decision by the insurance company was wrong. Upon review, the insurer again claimed that he could work. Once the appeal was denied, the client’s attorney immediately filed a federal lawsuit. After litigation, the case was eventually settled.”

Communications Coordinator - Woodbridge, VA
Severe Meniscal Tear, Hip Fracture
“A 51-year-old female, who worked as a communications coordinator, slipped and fell on some ice as she was walking through the parking lot after work. The ligaments and meniscus in her knee were torn and she sustained a fracture to her hip. Walking was out of the question. With help from coworkers, she made it home; but her injury was so severe that she ended up needing surgery, taking her out of work for several months. After surgery, she underwent physical therapy, but without success and eventually her doctor determined that her injury was permanent due to an inability to sit or perform any sedentary job for the foreseeable future.
She applied for short-term disability which was surprisingly denied but, perhaps more shocking, was that her denial letter reached her mailbox while she still was in the hospital convalescing from surgery. After a week in the hospital, she returned home to find the denial letter in her mailbox and was distraught and terrified, uncertain how she would meet the needs of herself and her family when she couldn’t even sit for more than 5 minutes at a time.
On her own, she attempted to persuade the long-term disability carrier to change its position, but it would not. Out of options, she hired Fields Disability to pursue her claim. Fields Disability immediately reached out to her doctor, obtained his medical records and an expert report supporting her disability, and filed suit. After some hard negotiations with the disability carrier, Fields Disability secured a settlement which included more than enough money for our client to meet her needs while she recovered from her injuries.”