
What sets us apart:

Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about us

Insurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies

Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Insurance Agent - Appleton, WI

Severe PTSD, Phantom Pain

“Our client was the victim of a terrible crime when her ex-husband attempted to run her over with the family car. Thankfully, she survived but she had her right leg amputated below the knee and suffered from severe PTSD as a result. She applied for long-term disability benefits and the claim was initially accepted. She received benefits for nearly two years, at which point the insurer denied the claim. In their denial, they asserted that they believed she would be able to perform sedentary occupations once the definition of disability changed in her policy.

She reached out to Fields Disability to help her fight the insurance company. Her attorney put together a strong appeal in which he provided updated medical information which included a neuropsychological evaluation which concluded our client suffered from significant PTSD. On appeal, the insurer again denied the claim, ignoring the relevant medical information. Her attorney filed a lawsuit in federal court once the denial was issued. With summary judgment looming, the parties were able to reach a settlement which put a significant amount of money into our client’s pocket. This settlement also eliminated any of the risk of going forward and letting a judge decide her fate. This result was a welcome relief for the client and allowed her security moving forward so that she could work on getting better and one day potentially returning to work.”

Client Service Representative - Sapulpa, OK

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Anxiety, Depression

“Our client from Oklahoma was receiving long-term disability benefits from an insurance company provided by her employer for less than four months until it decided that the medical information it had was not sufficient proof for the insurance company to determine our client still met the definition of disability as required to receive benefits. Unsure of what to do, our client turned to the attorneys at Fields Disability for assistance in appealing the insurance company’s decision to terminate benefits. The attorney’s at Fields Disability gathered all the most favorable medical records and submitted a comprehensive appeal demanding our client’s long-term disability benefits be reinstated.

Unfortunately, the appeal was denied, and the insurance company upheld its prior decision that benefits were to be terminated because our client did not meet the policy’s definition of disability. Unwilling to stop there, the attorneys at Fields Disability quickly filed a lawsuit against the insurance company in federal court. During preparation for trial, the Fields Disability attorneys were able to negotiate a generous settlement for our client. The resolution of our client’s case was a good one, and she was very pleased with the end results.”

Housekeeping Supervisor - Hava, NV

Complications After a Failed Back Surgery, Persistent Right Leg Pain, Chronic Edema, Mobility Issues

“Our client had worked as a housekeeping supervisor for one of the major casinos in Las Vegas. Several years ago, she had developed severe back conditions, necessitating surgery. Unfortunately, the operation was unsuccessful and permanently damaged her spine. She was granted long-term disability benefits for two years, but her benefits were then terminated upon her policy’s change in the definition of disability from Own occupation to Any occupation.

She retained Fields Disability to help her fight for her disability benefits. Our team of attorneys got in touch with her treating providers and secured letters of support. They also acquired updated medical records from the various clinics where she treated. The Fields disability team submitted a lengthy appeal of the benefits termination, but the insurer upheld their prior decision. Our client was interested in pursuing the case further, and the Fields lawyers filed a lawsuit on her behalf. Faced with mounting litigation, the insurer finally made a settlement offer which was agreeable to our client, and she was able to receive a check in the mail soon afterward.”

Senior Project Designer - Stoneham, MA

Cellulitis, Recurrent Leg Infection, Panic Attacks

“A Senior Project Designer from Massachusetts suffered a broken leg from a skiing accident. The doctors put pins into her leg. Eventually, the pins caused an infection and needed to be replaced. The leg infection did not go away, and the Project Designer was forced to stop work. She was approved for long-term disability benefits through Unum. After four years, Unum suddenly stopped paying benefits; saying that they did not receive the correct paperwork.

Frightened by her sudden loss of income, she called Fields Disability for help. Our attorneys immediately requested our client’s file from Unum. They also called of our client’s doctors to obtain updated medical reports. Fields Attorneys used medical records and legal research to build a strong appeal. Unum overturned their denial and reinstated benefits to our client. Our client was pleased to be done fighting her insurance company, and is happy to move forward with her life.”

Lead Printing Pressman - Hohenwald, TN

Bilateral Osteoarthritis of the Knees, Severe Patellofemoral Arthritis in the Left Knee, Chemical Dependency, Right and Left Total Knee Replacement Surgery, Right Total Knee Arthroplasty Revision Surgery with a Consequential Infection

“Our client became disabled and filed a claim for long-term disability benefits, which was approved by Liberty Mutual. Benefits started and continued until Liberty Mutual sent a letter that stated our client’s long-term disability benefits were terminated because Liberty Mutual believed that the medical information it had was not sufficient proof to determine he meets the definition of disability, as required to receive continued benefits.

Our client was very upset with the sudden loss of income and contacted the attorneys at Fields Disability to help him appeal this adverse decision. Once retained, the attorneys at Fields Disability acquired medical records, functional capacity evaluations, and reports from our client’s treating doctors and submitted an appeal. In response to the appeal, Liberty Mutual made a decision reverse its prior decision and approved benefits, but only for a limited period of time.

Not fully content with this decision, the attorneys at Fields Disability filed another appeal requesting all the long-term disability benefits be paid and that they continue to be paid to the present day as our client was still unable to work. In response to the second appeal, Liberty Mutual made a decision reversing its prior decision and approved all of our client’s long-term disability benefits.”