What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Delivery Driver - St. Cloud, MN
Ankylosing Spondylitis, Degenerative Disc Disease
“A delivery driver from Minnesota was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. Due to his condition, standing or sitting for long periods of time became very painful and he was unable to work. He applied for disability benefits with The Standard Insurance Company and was initially approved, but only for twelve months. After the twelve month period was up, The Standard Insurance Company sent him a letter saying that he was not disabled from Any Occupation, so his benefits would stop.
Shocked, and frightened that his monthly income was taken from him, he called Fields Disability. The attorneys at Fields Disability discovered that the insurer classified our client’s condition as an other limited condition, which limited coverage to only twelve months. Our attorneys compiled strong medical evidence and determined that the insurance company had categorized our client’s ankylosing spondylitis incorrectly. We filed a convincing appeal and The Standard Insurance Company reversed its decision, continuing our client’s monthly benefits and paying back-pay. Our client was pleased with the professionalism of Fields Disability, and relieved to have his monthly benefits reinstated.”

Sales Executive - Holiday, FL
Right Knee Pain, Torn Meniscus, Venous Insufficiency, Obesity, Lipedema, Low Back Pain, Lumbar Disc Degeneration
“A 49-year-old individual worked as an In-House Sales Executive before becoming disabled due to conditions relating to her knee. Our client was accepted for short-term disability, which she exhausted and proceeded to apply for long-term disability benefits, which was denied by Unum after her application. Unum denied our client’s long-term disability application for benefits because it claimed she did not meet the Definition of Disabled.
Upset by the sudden loss of income, she contacted the attorneys at Fields Disability to appeal Unum’s denial of long-term disability benefits. The Fields attorneys compiled all her medical records, obtained favorable reports from her treating doctors, and submitted a comprehensive appeal. Unum, after only a few weeks, made a decision to overturn its prior denial of benefits and retroactively paid back our client’s outstanding disability benefits. Our client was astonished at the quick results from the attorneys at Fields Disability and was excited about the outcome.”

Business Systems Analyst - St. Anthony, MN
Chronic Fatique, IBS, Rhabdomyolysis
“A Business Systems Analyst was forced to resign from his job due to rhabdomyolysis – a serious disease that leads to breakdown of muscle tissue and kidney damage. His symptoms resulted in a complete inability to keep up with the heavy intellectual demands of his job. The Standard denied benefits outright, stating there was insufficient medical evidence to show the man was unable to perform his own occupation.
The man was indecisive about whether he would hire a lawyer to assist with his appeal. He contacted Fields with just over a month to file his appeal, concerned that it was too late to mount an effective appeal. The Fields attorneys quickly gathered medical evidence from our client’s doctors and requested detailed reports responding to The Standard’s claims. The medical evidence and reports were attached to a legal memorandum citing federal law that supported the case. The Standard reversed its decision and paid the man his benefits, enabling him to bring his mortgage up to date and keep his truck from being repossessed.”

Business Process Analyst - Hermitage, TN
Parkinson's Disease, Chronic Pain, Fatigue
“Our client suffers from Parkinson’s Disease accompanied with chronic pain, fatigue, and balance issues. He was taken out of work by his doctors and applied for and received short-term disability benefits. After exhausting these benefits, he applied for long-term benefits and was initially approved. In the meantime, he was also approved for Social Security Disability Benefits by the Social Security Administration. However, a few months later, his long-term insurer discontinued his long-term disability benefits, stating that his Parkinson’s was now stable and he could perform the work in his own occupation. Our client was lost and sought out the Fields Disability Team for guidance through this confusing process.
Our team quickly gathered all the information needed to submit an appeal for our client. Our attorneys drafted an appeal that pointed to the flaws in the insurer’s argument for terminating benefits. We explained that even the federal government deemed our client disabled from performing any type of gainful employment. Our attorneys also had our client’s doctors draft reports in support of disability. We pointed to specific instances in the medical records that also align with disability in any occupation. After this appeal and the help of the Fields Disability Team, the insurer understood our client was disabled and reinstated ongoing benefits.”

Human Resources Manager - South Hadley, MA
Spinal Stenosis with Radiculopathy
“A Human Resources Manager for a small business left work on a leave of absence to focus on his low back issues. He applied for disability benefits from MetLife, his long-term disability insurance carrier. MetLife approved and paid our client’s claim for the entire 36 month Own Occupation period. However, the insurance company then stated our client was able to return to work at a number of sedentary jobs.
He searched for help online and found Fields Disability. Fields Disability attorneys assisted our client in determining the medical and legal basis MetLife used to terminate his disability benefits. After review of the information MetLife produced, our attorneys worked towards building medical evidence to challenge the insurer’s denial. The medical evidence was submitted to the insurance company as a part of the appeal. MetLife swiftly overturned its decision to deny benefits and paid our client’s claim.”