What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Commercial Cleaner - Manning, IA
Right Total Hip Replacement, Revision Surgery
“A commercial cleaner initially needed a total hip replacement surgery after years of struggling with chronic pain. He was unable to do the heavy lifting that his job required and was forced to stop working. He submitted his disability benefits claim to The Standard. The Standard agreed our client was disabled from his job and paid benefits. However, two years later, The Standard evaluated our client’s claim to determine if he was disabled from Any Occupation in the national economy. The Standard found that the man could perform desk work and denied his benefits.
Fields Disability was retained to contest the denial for our client. The Fields attorneys consulted with our client’s doctor closely to create a report outlining our client’s conditions and limitations. The report was submitted to the insurer as a part of the appeal. The Standard reviewed the appeal and reversed its decision and all past due benefits were paid to our client and his benefits were reinstated.”

Medical Receptionist - West Seneca, NY
Vertigo, Headaches, Cervicalgia, Radiculopathy Cervical Region, Spondylosis Cervical Region, Cervical Disc Displacement, Low Back Pain, Radiculopathy Lumbar Region
“A fifty-four year old Medical Receptionist was forced to stop working as a result of vertigo, headaches, cervicalgia, radiculopathy-cervical region, spondylosis-cervical region, cervical disc displacement, low back pain, radiculopathy of lumbar region. The team at Fields obtained medical records from her orthopedic doctor for her spinal conditions that demonstrated our client had reduced abilities to lift, bend, drive a motor vehicle, standing and even sitting due to the combination of her impairments. Our attorneys worked with her primary care physician and other specialists to obtain medical records from one year before she had ceased working when she had undergone a craniotomy.
Although this procedure did not result in our client’s disability, the surgery had longstanding effects relative to our client’s cognitive functioning and when combined with her other physical conditions, precluded her from being able to perform her own occupation as a medical receptionist. The team at Fields meticulously combed through the insurance company’s administrative record and identified the holes in their denial decision where they had purposefully cherry picked the medical record to support their decision. Also, it was discovered that even the adverse peer review commissioned by the insurance company was ignored, as the restrictions the peer reviewing doctor had concluded were medically supported, did not make it into our client’s initial denial letter. Shortly after receiving our client’s strong appeal, the insurer reversed their earlier denial and reinstated our client’s long-term disability benefits. With this source of income and her health insurance reinstated, our client is now able to continue treating in order to improve her quality of life.”

LPN Surgical Associate - Mount Ulla, NC
Hashimotos, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Hyper IGE Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, High Blood Pressure, Multilevel Disc Herniations, Chronic Hip Pain, Immobility, Chronic Infections, Chronic Fatigue, Cognitive Dysfunction, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression
“A Surgical LPN from North Carolina developed several complex medical conditions including hashimotos, antiphospholipid syndrome, hyper IGE syndrome, degenerative disc disease and chronic pain. She was forced to cease working due to her increasing symptoms. She applied for long-term disability benefits form her insurance carrier. The insurer denied her on application, and she retained Fields Disability to represent her for her administrative appeal.
The attorneys at Fields acquired updated medical records from all of her doctors and a supportive report from a vocational expert. The Fields team then drafted an appeal critical of the insurer’s denial decision and submitted it for their review. Upon consideration, the insurer overturned their prior determination, and granted our client back benefits through her Own Occupation period. Our client then continued her partnership with Fields Disability to fight the insurer’s subsequent denial of her benefits during the Any Occupation period of review.”

University Department Head - Alta Loma, CA
Interstitial Cystitis, Pelvic and Abdominal Pain, Migraines, Depression
“A University Department Head began feeling intense abdominal pain. Her doctor diagnosed her with interstitial cystitis; a bladder condition that causes serious discomfort. As she searched for treatment options, she became depressed. Her symptoms caused her to miss work, and she applied for disability benefits through her employer. The insurer approved her for short-term benefits, but when the time came to switch her claim to long-term disability, the insurer said she no longer fit their definition of disabled.
Worried for her lost income, she contacted Fields Disability for help. Our team contacted the insurance company and received a complete copy of her claim file which revealed that our client had an opportunity to appeal the decision. Our support team obtained medical records from all our client’s treating physicians and requested narrative reports that supported our client’s claim. After the evidence was gathered, Fields Attorneys drafted a strong appeal to the insurance company, highlighting treatment records and the applicable law. The insurer reviewed the appeal and overturned their decision, Our client received a lump sum for back-pay and received ongoing monthly benefits. She is happy to be through fighting the insurance company, and is pleased with the help Fields Disability provided.”

Tier III IT Specialist - Louisville, KY
Cerebral Infarction, Hemiplegia, Hemiparesis, Chronic Fatigue, Cognitive Issues, Short Term Memory Loss, Severe Anxiety Disorder
“A man from Kentucky became disabled following a stroke. He had spent his career working as a Tech Specialist, but was unable to continue afterward due to partial paralysis, chronic fatigue, cognitive deficits, short term memory lost and severe anxiety. After leaving work he applied for long-term disability benefits from his policy’s insurer and was approved. He received payments for 9 months, but suddenly received a termination letter from the insurer, cutting his benefits off.
He knew he needed help fighting the insurer and partnered with Fields Disability. The attorneys at Fields gathered extensive documentation on his case from his physicians and submitted a well-crafted appeal of the denial decision. However, the insurer persisted in their denial, refusing to overturn their prior determination. The Fields lawyers then filed a federal lawsuit against the insurer. After extensive negotiations, the Fields team was able to secure a sizable settlement in our client’s favor.”