What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Licensed Clinical Social Worker - Winter Springs, FL
Anaphylactic Reactions
“A Licensed Clinical Social Worker from Florida began suffering from unexplained anaphylactic reactions while at work. The reactions increased in intensity over time. Luckily the woman already worked in a hospital, so she could receive appropriate care when she suffered an attack. However, the reactions eventually became too severe, and she was forced to leave work. She applied for long-term disability benefits from her policy’s carrier, but was denied. The insurer claimed that despite her reactions, she could continue to work in a hospital environment.
Upon receiving her denial letter, the woman went for help. She retained the lawyers at Fields Disability. Our team of attorneys began coordinating with her physicians to secure letters of support while she pursued specialized testing. Our attorneys built up an appeal to the insurer’s decision, including diagnostic testing showing that our client’s reactions may have been caused by common cleaning chemicals, thereby eliminating the potential that she could return to work in most environments. Faced with the insurmountable evidence that their prior determination was incorrect, the insurer soon overturned the decision, issued back benefits, and reinstated future benefits. Our client was very happy with the outcome and is now able to focus on the treatment of her rare condition.”

Nurse Anesthetist - Durham, NC
Interstitial Cystitis, Fibromyalgia, Glaucoma, IBS, Cervical Disc Disease, Anxiety
“A woman from Durham, North Carolina worked as a nurse anesthetist. Due to interstitial cystitis and associated urinary urgency, pelvic pain, and a sleep disorder, she was forced to stop working. The Hartford, her long-term disability carrier, accepted her claim and paid benefits for nearly thirteen years. The insurer later denied her benefits claiming that she was no longer disabled under the terms of her policy.
Unsure of what to do, she reached out to Fields Disability. The Fields attorneys immediately obtained all of the client’s medical records and began crafting her case for an appeal. In addition to acquiring medical records, our attorneys showed that the review by the insurance company was defective in numerous ways. Upon review, the insurance company reversed their decision and reinstated her monthly benefits. The client was overjoyed at the reinstatement of her benefits.”

Main Router - Gary, IN
Lower Extremity Dysfunction, Chronic Back Pain, Lower Extremity Weakness, Degenerative Disc Disease, Sciatic Nerve Damage
“A Main Router at an Amazon warehouse in Indiana developed serious dysfunction in his low back and legs from working on his feet all day over the course of years. Unable to continue working his light level occupation, he left work. He applied for long-term disability benefits and was approved by the insurer. He remained on claim for two years until the change in his policy’s Definition of Disability, when the insurer terminated his benefits claiming he could return to work in an alternate occupation.
After waiting several months, he retained Fields Disability to fight the insurer. On a tight deadline, the Fields team submitted an appeal of the denial, but the insurer upheld their decision on reconsideration. The attorneys at Fields then filed a lawsuit against the insurer in federal court. Faced with mounting litigation, the insurer made a settlement offer which the Fields attorneys managed to negotiate into a favorable lump sum settlement for our client.”

Car Salesman - Menifee, CA
Complications from Shoulder Surgery, Herniated Discs, Radiculopathy
“A Car Salesman from Menifee, California began suffering from shoulder and back pain after a car accident that required him to have shoulder surgery. His symptoms made work impossible. After being approved for short-term disability benefits and receiving long-term disability benefits for two years, the insurance company stopped paying because they said he could return to work.
Worried about his lost income, and still struggling with severe pain, he called Fields Disability for help. Our team obtained the claim file from the insurance company and found that the insurer overlooked key records. Fields attorneys obtained an expert vocational opinion and drafted a strong appeal to the insurance company. The insurer changed their mind and our client received a lump-sum payment for back-pay and ongoing monthly benefits. Our client is happy to be through worrying about his disability claim, and is glad he contacted Fields Disability to represent him.”

Maintenance Manager - Kelso, WA
Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety
“Our client came to the Fields Disability Team after being denied long-term disability benefits due to serious mental health issues. The client’s occupation as a Maintenance Manager required that he have good communication and organizational skills, which were impossible in his current state of mind. He suffered from persistent agitation, anxiousness, and decreased concentration, which required bi-weekly therapy visits and (unsuccessful) medications to manage.
After being removed from work and applying for long-term disability benefits, our client’s insurance company asserted that, based on the medical review there was no basis to support psychiatric impairments that functionally impaired the client from his occupation. Scared and worried about his current situation, he reached out to Fields Disability for help through this confusing process.
Our Team assured the client that we would do everything we could to get him the benefits he deserved. Our attorneys gathered the medical evidence and submitted an appeal that picked apart the reasoning behind the insurance company’s denial. Our attorneys noted several instances in the medical records that demonstrated our client was indeed disabled from his own occupation. Following the appeal, the insurance company approved benefits for part of our client’s disability period. The Fields team, however, continues to fight for our client to get him everything he deserves.”