What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Warehouse Associate - Rocky Mountain, NC
Degenerative Disc Disease, Spondylosis, Side Effects from Medications
“A Warehouse Associate from North Carolina was suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease, spondylosis, and side effects from medications. He was taken off work by his treating doctors and applied for Long Term Disability benefits through his employer’s plan with Unum. Regrettably, Unum denied our client’s claim arguing his conditions were pre-existing and therefore barred under the policy and also that, even if they were not pre-existing, they were not sufficiently disabling to stop him from performing his own occupation.
After being denied, our client turned to Field’s Disability for help. The Fields attorneys drafted an appeal, building support from our client’s treating doctors, his medical records, and the actual requirements of his job duties. After receiving our appeal, Unum reversed its decision, paid our client his backpay, and started paying his monthly benefits.”

Senior Solutions Architect and Project Manager - Gary, IN
Status Post Colon Surgery, Lupus, Colostomy Bag Requirement, Irregular Bowel Syndrome, Asthma, High Blood Pressure, Bilaterally Torn Rotator Cuffs, Bilateral Knee Hip Arthritis, C-Differentiation Syndrome
“An Indiana woman had worked as a Senior Solutions Architect and Project Manager for many years before she began to develop extensive gastrointestinal issues severe enough to causer her to cease working altogether. She also suffered from bilaterally torn rotator cuffs and knee and hip degeneration. She applied for long-term disability benefits from her insurance carrier, and was approved. Her benefits ran for about two years, when the insurer suddenly terminated them. The insurer claimed in their denial letter that she was capable of returning to an alternate sedentary level IT position.
The woman hired Fields Disability to fight the insurer and appeal their denial decision. The Fields team filed an appeal of the insurer’s decision, but the denial was ultimately upheld. The Fields Attorneys then filed a lawsuit in Minnesota District court against the insurer, arguing that their denial determination was inappropriate and not supported by the evidence. Faced with mounting litigation costs and a strong argument from the Fields attorneys, the parties were able to agree to a settlement of the disability claim.”

Ultrasound Technician - Katy, TX
Depression,Severe Anxiety, PTSD, Venous Insufficiency, Status Post Right Knee Arthroplasty, Osteoarthritis of the Hands, Mood Disorder, GERD
“An ultrasound technician ceased working due to severe anxiety, depression, and PTSD. She applied for short term disability benefits which she was approved for and was still receiving when her doctor advised she would have to undergo a knee replacement. The insurance company notified her that her long term disability benefits would not be approved for her mental health conditions but would be approved for her knee surgery with an important caveat. Her long term disability benefits would not begin until she satisfied her 180 day elimination period at which time she would have already recovered from her knee surgery.
Realizing she needed help, she reached out to the Fields Disability team to help get her long term disability benefits approved for the disabling mental health condition that was the reason she ceased working in the first place. Fields Disability attorneys reached out to her treating providers for both mental and physical conditions. Our team worked with our client’s therapist to obtain a detailed narrative outlining all of the significant events in our client’s life that contributed to her disabling mental health conditions.
Our attorneys prepared a lengthy appeal supported by numerous medical records and strong narrative reports from her treating providers and submitted to the Insurer. Not only did we make sure our client’s benefits would commence at the end of the elimination period but we also got the insurance company to overturn their mental health denial and award our client an additional four months of benefits she had been denied. Our client was incredibly thankful that our attorneys got the insurance company to acknowledge she was disabled due to both her mental and physical conditions.”

Administrative Assistant - Durham, NC
PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Lumbar and Cervical Disc Degeneration, Fibromyalgia
“A 51-year-old administrative assistant suffered from a variety of medical conditions, which led her to the realization that she was no longer capable of performing her job duties. She applied for long-term disability benefits and MetLife accepted her claim and began paying benefits. While the woman was receiving benefits, MetLife performed periodic check-ins. MetLife also submitted the woman’s medical information to a nurse, who concluded that she remained incapable of performing work. However, just one month after receiving that opinion, MetLife sought out a second medical opinion, and the second medical reviewer said the woman had no limitations on her work activities and should be able to return to work.
She reacted immediately, filing an appeal on her own, without the assistance of an attorney. MetLife did not change their position based on her appeal. However, they did give her a second opportunity to appeal the decision. This time, the woman turned to Fields Disability for help. Our attorneys argued that MetLife breached their fiduciary duty to the claimant when the actively sought out an opinion to deny our client’s benefits. About one month after we submitted the appeal, MetLife overturned their decision. Our client received a backpay check dating back to the day MetLife discontinued benefits, and her monthly benefits were reinstated.”

Tile Setter - Shawnee, KS
Bilateral Shoulder Pain, Complications from Rotator Cuff Surgeries
“A tile setter from Shawnee, Kansas underwent rotator cuff surgery in both shoulders and experienced severe complications. He had constant pain and struggled to lift his arms above his shoulders. He applied for long term disability through his employer’s insurance plan and received benefits for two years. The insurance company stopped paying him after two years because they said he could return to work.
Upset at the insurer and worried about his lost income, he called Fields Disability for help. Our team obtained the claim file from the insurance company and found that the insurer overlooked key records about our client’s surgical complications. Fields attorneys drafted a strong appeal to the insurance company based on the factual and legal errors from the insurer, and updated expert opinions. The insurance company changed their mind and our client received a lump-sum payment for back-pay and ongoing monthly benefits. He is happy to be through worrying about his disability claim and is pleased to have hired Fields Disability.”