
What sets us apart:

Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about us

Insurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies

Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Site Manager - Orange, MA

Chronic Neck Pain Post Fusion Surgery, Anxiety, Depression, Trigger Finger

“A Site Manager from Massachusetts was suffering from chronic neck pain post fusion surgery, anxiety, depression, and trigger finger. She was removed from work by her treating physicians and applied for long-Term disability benefits through her employer’s plan with Unum. However, Unum denied the claim asserting only some of our client’s conditions were covered under the policy and that based upon its review those conditions were not disabling. She turned to Fields Disability for help.

The attorneys at Fields reviewed her policy, gathered medical evidence in the forms of records and opinions from her treating providers, and gathered evidence from her prior Social Security Disability file. Our team drafted an appeal pointing out that all of our client’s conditions were covered under the terms of the plan and, based upon the substantial evidence, these conditions precluded her from performing her Own Occupation. After receiving our appeal Unum reversed its denial, paid our client her backpay, and started paying her monthly benefits.”

Inside Sales Manager - Alpharetta, GA

Unspecified Respiratory Illness

“An Inside Sales Manager from Georgia gradually developed a mysterious and poorly diagnosed respiratory illness. Unable to continue working, he applied for long-term disability benefits from his insurer. Unfortunately, he was denied on his application. Needing help to appeal the insurer’s decision, he signed up with Fields Disability.

The team of Fields attorneys got to work on his appeal, requesting updated medical records form his providers and writing to his physicians, asking for their support. The Fields attorneys then drafted a strong appeal, arguing the insurer’s denial was not supported by the medical evidence and that they failed to accurately understand his conditions. The insurer took the appeal under consideration and soon returned a decision. They approved the Fields team’s arguments, overturning their prior denial. Our client soon got a check in the mail for his back benefits and ongoing benefits were reinstated.”

Administrative Clerk - Springfield, IL

Multiple Sclerosis

“An aging woman from Springfield, Illinois had been suffering from multiple sclerosis for many years. Because of her MS, she was forced to leave work, and was approved for both long-term disability benefits and a progressive income benefit by her policy’s insurer. After nearly two years on benefits, the insurance company terminated her progressive income benefit. They claimed she was capable of performing all of her Activities of Daily Living, despite none of her physicians agreeing with them. She quickly retained Fields Disability to fight for her rights.

The Fields attorneys got in contact with her physicians, but despite their disagreement with the insurer, none of them were willing to get involved in the disability process. Our attorneys coordinated with our client to establish care with new doctors who were likewise willing to fight for our client’s benefits. The Fields attorneys got the letters of support from the new doctors and put together an appeal of the insurer’s denial decision. The insurance company considered the appeal and conducted numerous peer review analyses of our client’s case. However, each time the insurance company sent the Fields team a biased report, based on information provided by their own in-house doctors. The Fields attorneys were able to coordinate with our client’s new care team and counter the assertions. Faced with no other option, the insurance company was forced to eventually approve the Fields Disability appeal and reinstate our client’s benefits.”

Social Worker - Denver, CO

Lyme’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Colitis, Anxiety, Depression

“A Social Worker from Denver, Colorado was diagnosed with Lyme’s disease and chronic fatigue syndrome. She already suffered from colitis and resulting anxiety and depression about always needing to be aware of where the nearest bathroom was located. The constant fatigue on top of her previous conditions made work impossible. She applied for long-term disability benefits and the insurance company paid for a few months but then cut off benefits because they said she could return to work.

She was upset at the insurance company and worried about her lost income so she called Fields Disability for help. Fields attorneys scoured the claim file from the insurance company and found that the insurer overlooked key medical records. Our team obtained additional expert reports to strengthen the evidence and our attorneys submitted a strong appeal to the insurance company. The insurer changed their mind and our client received a lump-sum check for back-pay and ongoing benefits. She is pleased with Fields Disability and happy to be done fighting her insurance company.”

Pentagon Subject Matter Expert - Chesterfield, VA

Migraines, Post Concussive Syndrome

“A Pentagon Contractor was rear-ended in a car accident and hit his head. He tried to return to work but was told by co-workers and clients that his cognition seemed diminished. He visited a doctor who confirmed that he was experiencing ongoing symptoms of a concussion. His employer-provided insurer paid him long term disability benefits for about three years while he received treatment for his serious cognitive issues. Suddenly though, the insurer stopped paying benefits because he no longer fit their definition of disabled.

Worried about his lost income, he called Fields Disability for help. Our team immediately gathered all our client’s medical records, and Fields attorneys ordered an expert report from a vocational consultant which supported that our client could not return to work. Our attorneys wrote a strong appeal to the insurer that combed the medical evidence with applicable law. Our team stayed in close contact with the insurer, giving our client updates while they reviewed the appeal. Eventually, the insurer overturned their decision, and our client received a lump-sum payment for back pay and ongoing monthly benefits. He is pleased with Fields Law’s ardent advocacy on his behalf and is thrilled to be through fighting his insurance company.”