What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Grocery Store Manager - Brick, NJ
Memory Loss, Weakness, Joint Pain
“Newly hired as a manager at ALDI and excited about a new career path, our client suddenly began experiencing memory loss, weakness, and pain in various parts of his body. He continued to work until the symptoms became unbearable, forcing him to see his doctor. Oddly, the doctors’ performed tests which came back negative. He applied for disability with New York Life, who denied claiming that he was capable of meeting the physical demands of a grocery store manager.
Frustrated with New York Life, he hired Fields Disability, and our team assembled a strong case for our client. We reached out to his medical providers and the New York Life insurance adjuster assigned to the case. We obtained medical support from the doctors and filed an appeal arguing that New York Life violated federal law by improperly ignoring specific chart notations and opinions in the medical record, which supported that our client was disabled and unable to perform the labor of a grocery store manager, or any occupation for that matter. Shortly thereafter, New York Life reversed it denial and granted our client disability benefits.”

Administrative Assistant - Herndon, VA
Incontinence, Anxiety, Depression
“An Administrative Assistant in Virginia was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. After chemotherapy and several surgeries, she went into remission but, as a result of surgery, suffered from incontinence. The embarrassment of the incontinence led to panic attacks, severe anxiety, and depression. She was forced to stop working and was approved for long term disability benefits through New York Life. Suddenly, New York Life stopped paying out benefits.
Frustrated and scared that her insurance company could stop paying out her benefits, she called Fields Disability. Our attorneys reviewed over 2300 pages of documents from the insurance company, and found that New York Life had based their decision on a couple of social media posts by our client. She took some pictures with family members at social events and this was used against her. Our attorneys compiled summaries of our client’s symptoms from her doctors and sent them to New York Life for an appeal. The medical evidence outweighed the frivolous social media investigation and continuing benefits were awarded for our client. Our client was overjoyed to have her benefits reinstated, and was happy with the professional work that Fields Disability did for her.”

Billing Administrator - Wilmington, MA
Schizophrenia, Low Back Pain, Degenerative Disc Disease
“A Billing Administrator from Wilmington, Massachusetts suffered from Schizophrenia and Low Back Pain. Eventually, the combination of her conditions made work impossible. She applied for long term disability through her employer’s insurance plan and received benefits for five years. The insurance company stopped paying her after five years because they said she could return to work.
Upset at the insurer and worried about her lost income, she called Fields Disability for help. Our team obtained the claim file from the insurance company and found that the insurer overlooked key records about our client’s conditions. Fields attorneys drafted a strong appeal to the insurance company based on the factual and legal errors from the insurer, as well as updated expert opinions. The insurance company changed their mind and our client received a lump-sum payment for back-pay and ongoing monthly benefits. She is happy to be through worrying about her disability claim and is pleased to have hired Fields Disability.”

Superintendent - Winder, GA
Vertigo, Cognitive Impairments
“Our client came to the Fields Disability Team following his first appeal denial of long term disability benefits. He was frustrated with the process and what his insurance company was telling him. Our client suffered from severe dizziness and cognitive impairments that prevented him from doing his work on construction sites. Because the insurance company found no objective or quantifiable testing that documented support for significant, ongoing, physical functional impairment in his initial appeal, it denied long term benefits. Our client could not figure out why the insurance company could not see his apparent disability.
After reaching out to our team, our attorneys sifted through the client’s medical records to find evidence supporting his disability. In the client’s second appeal, our attorney pointed to medical notes that documented exam findings positive for severe dizziness, balance deficits, fatigue, constant tinnitus, and cognitive deficits. There were even doctor recommendations that he not drive for more than 30 minutes at a time and that it was not safe for the client to be around construction sites, which is an essential part of his occupation. After revealing all of this evidence to the insurance company, they had no choice but to approve benefits on appeal. Our client was very grateful for the work that Fields Disability put into his case.”

HR Director - Eastman, GA
Foot Amputation
“Our client was the Human Resources Director for a power tool manufacturing plant in Georgia. Due to severe diabetic complications, he needed to undergo a right foot amputation. He left work following the surgery and was paid short term disability benefits. However, New York Life denied his claim for long term disability when the short term benefits ended. Our client searched for help online and found Fields Disability to assist him in appealing the wrongful denial.
Our attorneys gathered medical evidence supporting our client’s inability to perform his past work in a plant setting, which required him to walk the grounds and observe day-to-day operations. After review of the appeal, the insurer agreed our client was unable to perform his own occupation and paid all outstanding back benefits. Our client was eventually able to return to work in a sedentary capacity, and our attorneys assisted him in claiming ongoing partial disability benefits. “