
What sets us apart:

Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about us

Insurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies

Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Software Engineer - Leesburg, VA

Vestibular Migraines, Dizziness, Vertigo, Herniated Disc

“A Software Engineer began to experience worsening migraines. He had dealt with migraines before, but these were bad enough to make work impossible. He could no longer drive and had intense bouts of vertigo. His condition forced him to stop working. Subsequent tests revealed several herniated discs in his back. His doctors were in regular contact with each other to coordinate his treatment, and he submitted an application to New York Life for long term disability benefits, based on his medical records. New York Life denied the claim despite the medical evidence.

Frustrated and worried about supporting his family without income, the engineer contacted Fields Disability to assist with an appeal to New York Life. Our attorneys collected records from five physicians who had treated our client and created a timeline of treatment that New York Life could not ignore. We obtained new vocational reports showing that our client could not go back to work due to his symptoms. With the new reports, our attorneys made a strong case to New York Life that their initial decision was wrong. Our client won his appeal and was awarded back-pay and ongoing benefits. He was relieved to have the process with New York Life complete and was happy with the result.”

Phlebotomist - West Union, OH

Lumbar Disc Disease, Myleopathy

“A certified phlebotomist for a large health care provider was diagnosed with lumbar intervertebral disc disease with myelopathy, with associated radiating pain. She quit working because she was unable to keep up with her physical demanding and stressful job. New York Life agreed and paid the woman’s claim for several months. Out of nowhere and without explanation, New York Life requested the woman attend an independent medical examination. New York Life denied benefits based on the report, which far overestimated the woman’s physical abilities.

After hiring Fields Disability to assist with an appeal of the denial, our attorneys combed over the claim file and discovered that the independent doctor had failed to base his recommended work restrictions on examination findings. The Fields attorneys arranged for our client to attend a functional capacity evaluation to refute the findings of New York Life’s doctor and secured a substantial amount of medical records. Our attorneys submitted the medical records, functional capacity evaluation, and a number of legal arguments undermining New York Life’s decision on our client’s behalf, and New York Life overturned its decision and reinstated benefits for our client.”

Field Tech - Lansing, IL

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, End Stage Renal Failure

“A young woman from Illinois had long suffered from Lupus and also suffered from renal failure. As a result, she was unable to perform her job as a Field Tech for a communications company. New York Life, her long term disability insurer, initially accepted her claim and paid benefits for nearly five years. New York Life later denied her benefits claiming that her disability was not clinically supported.

Clearly unable to work and unsure of what to do, she reached out to Fields Disability. Her attorneys at Fields began reviewing the entire file from the insurance company. After completing this review, we updated medical records and obtained statements from multiple doctors that the client had treated with. With the updated records and reports, our attorneys drafted an appeal which outlined how our client’s condition prevented her from working and that New York Life had failed to show that her condition had improved at all. The insurance company reversed its decision and reinstated the client’s monthly benefits. The client was incredibly relieved and happy to hear that she would be getting her benefits back.”

Grocery Store Manager - Brick, NJ

Memory Loss, Weakness, Joint Pain

“Newly hired as a manager at ALDI and excited about a new career path, our client suddenly began experiencing memory loss, weakness, and pain in various parts of his body. He continued to work until the symptoms became unbearable, forcing him to see his doctor. Oddly, the doctors’ performed tests which came back negative. He applied for disability with New York Life, who denied claiming that he was capable of meeting the physical demands of a grocery store manager.

Frustrated with New York Life, he hired Fields Disability, and our team assembled a strong case for our client. We reached out to his medical providers and the New York Life insurance adjuster assigned to the case. We obtained medical support from the doctors and filed an appeal arguing that New York Life violated federal law by improperly ignoring specific chart notations and opinions in the medical record, which supported that our client was disabled and unable to perform the labor of a grocery store manager, or any occupation for that matter. Shortly thereafter, New York Life reversed it denial and granted our client disability benefits.”

Administrative Assistant - Herndon, VA

Incontinence, Anxiety, Depression

“An Administrative Assistant in Virginia was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. After chemotherapy and several surgeries, she went into remission but, as a result of surgery, suffered from incontinence. The embarrassment of the incontinence led to panic attacks, severe anxiety, and depression. She was forced to stop working and was approved for long term disability benefits through New York Life. Suddenly, New York Life stopped paying out benefits.

Frustrated and scared that her insurance company could stop paying out her benefits, she called Fields Disability. Our attorneys reviewed over 2300 pages of documents from the insurance company, and found that New York Life had based their decision on a couple of social media posts by our client. She took some pictures with family members at social events and this was used against her. Our attorneys compiled summaries of our client’s symptoms from her doctors and sent them to New York Life for an appeal. The medical evidence outweighed the frivolous social media investigation and continuing benefits were awarded for our client. Our client was overjoyed to have her benefits reinstated, and was happy with the professional work that Fields Disability did for her.”