What sets us apart:
Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about usInsurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies
Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Project Manager - Waxhaw, NC
Ruptured Colon and Associated Complications
“A project manager for a consulting firm suffered from a ruptured colon, and later suffered from complications from multiple surgeries, septic shock, and tearing of her intestines. Clearly, she was unable to continue working. New York Life, her long-term disability carrier accepted her claim and paid benefits. The insurer later cut off her benefits claiming that she was capable of resuming work as a project manager.
Unable to work and unsure of what she could do, she reached out to Fields Disability. The Fields attorneys began reviewing the entire file from the insurer. We also obtained all of our client’s medical records. With all of this information, our attorney’s drafted an appeal which highlighted the medical evidence that the client was disabled and also highlighted the faults with the insurer’s review. Upon review, the insurance company reversed their decision and reinstated her monthly benefits. The client was elated to have her benefits reinstated and her income restored.”

Specialty Leasing Representative - Gladwin, MI
Neuropathy, Fatigue, Heart Conditions, Chronic Pain
“A leasing representative from Michigan began suffering from numbness in her extremities, fatigue, and chronic pain after treatments for her heart condition. Her legs were nearly always numb which made working at her job, which required showing customers commercial property, impossible. After being approved for short term disability benefits and receiving long term disability benefits for two years, the insurance company stopped paying because they said she could return to work.
Worried about her lost income, and still struggling with numbness, she called Fields Disability for help. Our team obtained the claim file from the insurance company and found that the insurer overlooked key records and never scheduled an in-person examination. Fields attorneys obtained updated opinions from our client’s doctors and drafted a strong appeal to the insurance company which pointed out the mistakes in the insurer’s decision. The insurance company changed their mind and our client received a lump-sum payment for back-pay, and ongoing monthly benefits. She is happy to be through worrying about her disability claim and is glad that she obtained the diligent representation of Fields Disability.”

Business Analyst - Normal, IL
Kidney Disease, Diabetes, Heart Failure, Hyperlipidemia, Syncope
“A Business Analyst from Illinois was diagnosed with kidney disease. He was already recovering from heart failure and had a list of complicating conditions that caused dizziness, fainting, and chest pain. The kidney failure was the last straw. He was forced to stop working and applied for long term disability benefits. He received monthly benefits from his insurance company through work for about a year. After a year, the insurer stopped paying because they said he could return to work.
He was angry at the insurance company for ignoring his condition, and worried about his lost income. He called Fields Disability for help. Our team obtained the claim file from the insurance company and found that the insurer overlooked key records from our client’s treating providers. Fields attorneys drafted a strong appeal to the insurance company based on hundreds of pages of updated evidence. The insurance company changed their mind and our client received a lump-sum payment for back-pay and ongoing monthly benefits. He is happy to be done fighting his insurance company and pleased with the representation from Fields Disability.”

Direct Sales Representative - Cincinnati, OH
Cervical and Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Multiple Cervical (three) and Lumbar (two) Spinal Surgeries
“A Sales Representative for a cable provider became totally disabled due to chronic back pain, caused by bulging and herniated discs in his lumbar and cervical spines. After 24 months of paying benefits, his insurance company terminated his benefits because the policy’s definition of disability changed from whether one was disabled from performing his Own Occupation to disabled from performing the material duties of Any Occupation, claiming that he could perform sedentary work and specifically alleged he had transferable skills to perform the occupations of Dispatcher and Service Clerk. Confused by this logic, he approached Fields Disability for help with less than 30 days remaining to submit an appeal. Our attorneys immediately reached out to the insurance company to request a 45-day extension to submit his appeal, which was granted.
Based on our experience, we knew that the insurance company had not performed a significant vocational analysis and had failed to appreciate how the client’s chronic pain and limited range of motion impaired him performing even sedentary work on a competitive basis. We sent our client’s file to a vocational expert who conducted a national and regional job outlook study and determined that the positions of Dispatcher and Service Clerk were not appropriate occupations for our client based on his age, education, work history, and experience. The Fields team quickly gathered the necessary evidence and drafted a strong appeal for our client. The insurance company reversed its denial decision, issued the back-pay benefits our client was owed and resumed paying his monthly benefits.”

Dietary Clerk - Lawrenceville, GA
Complications from Back Surgery, Multiple Sclerosis
“A dietary clerk from Georgia suffered from chronic back pain and loss of motor skills due to a back surgery and MS. She experienced constant pain and discomfort so severe that work became impossible. She was approved for long term disability benefits through her insurance company at work and received benefits for about two years. Suddenly, the insurance company said she would no longer receive monthly benefits because she no longer met their definition of disabled.
Worried about her income and still suffering from chronic conditions, she called Fields Disability for help. Our responsive support staff walked her through every step of the process as they gathered all our client’s medical records. Fields attorneys compiled the records and presented them with strong legal arguments to the insurance company to appeal the denial of benefits. The insurance company changed its mind and our client received a lump-sum check for back-pay and now receives monthly benefits again. She is overjoyed to have her income restored and is pleased with the diligence of the Fields Disability team.”